November Update
Congratulations to Leanne, our Team Leader in the baby room, who has successfully passed her St John Ambulance qualification, she is now an advanced first aider. Michelle is currently undertaking a updated qualification in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Please remember to visit the childcare choices website to check if you are eligible for the 30 hours funding in January. This needs to be completed for the end of November.
Car Park
Check out our new car park mural, we now have ‘The Gruffalo’ on our wall to welcome everyone.
Policy of the month
Managing Children with Sickness and Health.
Dates for the diary
Children in Need, Friday 17th November - All things spotty and cake sale, £!.00 donation from everyone.
Photograph Day, Tuesday 21st November - From 8am, children who do not normally attend need to make an appointment
Parents Evening, Wednesday 22nd November - Parents need to make an appointment with their child’s room 6.30pm until 8.30pm
Christmas Jumper Day, Friday 15th December - Everyone to wear Christmas Jumpers, £1.00 donation in aid of save the children.
Christmas Party Day, Monday 18th December - 10.00am until 1pm. All children invited
Christmas Dinner, Tuesday 19th December, (for the children who attend on Tuesdays only)
Nursery closes, Friday 22nd December - At the normal time of 6pm for the Christmas Holidays
Nursery re-opens, Tuesday 2nd January - At the usual time of 7am.
We wish all our children and parents a Happy Christmas from all at Ladybirds.