Ladybirds Nursery Ltd
39 Bradford Street
Contact us
01204 437 020
Email us
[email protected]

Autumn 2017

Health Section

There has been an increased number of children falling ill with 'Scarlet Fever' there is a notice outside your child's room with symptoms to look out for. We will keep parents posted about any other illness that are around as soon as we know….if your child is ill, please inform nursery as soon as possible.


Partnership with Parents

We would love parents to get involved in their child's education at nursery. If your child has done something exciting, let us know, we can then incorporate it into your child's individual planning. You are welcome to view your child's file at any time, just talk to your child's key worker.


Hidden Treasure

We are looking to update our junk modelling box, if you have any shampoo bottles, cereal boxes, yoghurt pots, kitchen rool tubes, indeed, anything that the children can make models with, we would appreciate them.


Welcome to the new Children

We welcome all the new children to Ladybirds…this is a nervous time for children and parents, we want to make your nursery experience as smooth as possible. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know and we will be only too willing to accommodate you.



We will be changing our menus from Summer menus to Winter Menus in October. If any parents have any suggestins about what they would like to see, or not to see on our menus, please make this known, and we will do our best.


Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning

We are holding our own coffee morning on Friday 29th September. The children will be baking cakes in the days before, and we will be selling them to parents, grandparents, carers, friends….

If any parent, carer, grandparent, would like to make a donation to our cake sale, it would be appreciated. All the money raise will go th the charity, we will inform you of the total raised.


Half Term

The next half term will be Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October. There will be no funding this week, for children attending who are usually funded, full fees are payable for this week.


Shift Swappers

Could any parents who are 'shift swappers' please ensure they have given their days to Zoe on the Wednesday of the week before. We may have to refuse parents who are giving their days late, as we are getting quite busy now.


Parental Involvement with your child's Education and Learning

Parents…. We would love you all to become involved in your child's time at nursery. Please take the time to tell about any interests your child has at present, about any changes, or events that are happening in your home life. Some of these events, changes and interests make a significant impact on the development and learning whilst at nursery, and we would like to incorporate these into their daily life here at Ladybirds. We have individual planning sheets for every child, and we welcome you to make a contribution to these sheets. This allows us to plan specific activities, that are individually tailored to your child. Please speak to the staff in your child's room about how to start to be involved with Ladybirds Nursery, and your child's indiviual education.


Parents Evening

Our next parents evening will be on Wednesday November 22nd between 6pm and 8.30pm.